The National Centre of Implementation Science (NCOIS) is inviting policymakers and decisionmakers to participate in a survey to identify which healthy eating and physical activity programs in primary schools and early childhood education and care (ECEC) services are most suitable to be implemented at scale.
Who should complete the survey?
If you influence decisions related to healthy eating or physical activity in primary schools or ECEC settings, we want to hear from you!
What does the survey cover?
The survey focuses on exploring the acceptability, cost, and sustainability of effective healthy eating and physical activity programs in each setting and identifying which programs are priorities.
Why is this survey important?
Children spend a significant part of their day in primary schools and ECEC services, which both play a crucial role in shaping their long-term health and wellbeing. Translating research into effective, real-world programs that improve children’s health requires a deep understanding of the priorities and experiences of those making decisions in education and health sectors.
How do I participate?
Complete the survey online by clicking the link below. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Have questions?
For more information or if you have any questions about the survey, feel free to reach out.
Please email any questions to Dr Rebecca Hodder.