Congratulations Swap-It Team: Winners HNE Excellence Awards 2022

Posted on: Monday 26th September 2022

The NCOIS SWAP-IT team, led by Dr Rachel Sutherland were acknowledged with top honours in the Health Research & Innovation category of the Hunter New England Local Health District Excellence Awards.

These awards recognise the importance of collaboration between researchers, policy makers, service users, health managers and clinicians to translate research into practice.

Congratulations to the SWAP-IT team!!

SWAP-IT is a mobile health program that supports healthy food choices in primary schools. SWAP-IT is currently being scaled up to reach 13 local health districts across NSW, and 1500 schools nationally. Read more about the SWAP-IT team’s work below.

Congratulations also goes to the PACE team, lead by NCOIS’ Dr Nicole Nathan, who were finalists in the Keeping People Healthy category of the awards. Read more about the PACE program.

More details about SWAP-IT:

  • Maximising the adoption of a school-based mHealth intervention to improve the nutritional quality of student lunchboxes to ensure population-level impact
  • A systematic review of adaptations and effectiveness of scaled-up nutrition interventions
  • A cross-sectional study to determine the energy density and nutritional quality of primary school lunchboxes
  • Multicomponent mHealth-Based Intervention (SWAP IT) to Decrease the Consumption of Discretionary Foods Packed in School Lunchboxes: Type I Effectiveness–Implementation Hybrid Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Effectiveness of Technology-Enabled Knowledge Translation Strategies in Improving the Use of Research in Public Health: Systematic Review

An ECONOMIC ANALYSIS has also been published:

Cost and Cost Effectiveness of a Pilot m-Health Intervention Targeting Parents of School-Aged Children to Improve the Nutritional Quality of Foods Packed in the Lunchbox.