TIDIRH Australia
What is TIDIRH?
TIDIRH (Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health) Australia is a training course in implementation science.
The course is run by the National Centre of Implementation Science (NCOIS), developed in collaboration with the successful U.S.A-based TIDIRH.
This training aims to equip participants with knowledge and skills to undertake high-quality dissemination and implementation (D&I) research relevant to their field.
The 2023 course comprised of two components:
- An online delivered curriculum with discussion forums, and virtual office hours where participants were able to engage with other trainees and course facilitators. Participants were then supported to work through 6 modules of content over a period of three months.
- In person training via a series of face-to-face workshops delivered after the completion of modules. Workshops were led by a variety of expert facilitators and took place in Newcastle, NSW, Australia over 3 days.
In past years applicants have been asked to submit:
- CV
- A brief statement of interest describing experience in (or plans for) productive, effective transdisciplinary work and how this fits with goals for conducting dissemination and implementation research in the future.
- A brief outline for a planned implementation research project/ proposal / concept.
These documents were reviewed by a panel as part of the selection process. If successful, participants would work on the research project/ proposal during the course.
When is the next course?
We are planning to open the call for applications in October 2024, with the online course to start Feb/March 2025 and the face-to-face workshop planned for May or June 2025.
Follow us on X or linked in for updates about the 2024 call for participants.
Please contact HNELHD-TIDIRH@health.nsw.gov.au if you have any enquiries.