Call For Submissions – Sustaining The Implementation Of Evidence

Posted on: Monday 26th September 2022

NCOIS Researchers Dr Nicole Nathan and Dr Alix Hall are collaborating with an international group of guest editors to showcase research in Sustaining the Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions in Clinical and Community Settings in a special edition of Frontiers.

The group highlight that while a substantial amount of research is being conducted around sustainability, to enable the field to progress there is a need for; ‘the development and testing of measures, understanding causal relations, the development and robust testing of theoretically designed interventions, understanding adaptations and fidelity to such interventions, and ultimately the scale and dissemination of effective interventions.’

The group of guest editors are currently calling for manuscript submissions addressing priority areas for the sustainability field, specifically for quantitative or qualitative submissions that:

  • Empirically test theories and frameworks to explain and or predict sustainability.
  • Describe methods used to adapt EBIs for their sustainment and the effect on intervention fidelity.
  • Validate existing measures or develop valid and reliable measures for the field.
  • Describe (protocol papers) and or report (outcome papers) prospectively designed sustainability interventions.
  • Identify and describe the mechanism of action of sustainability interventions.
  • Report the cost or cost-effectiveness of sustainability interventions.
  • Submissions of research from a broad range of settings and populations, including from low-and middle-income countries are encouraged.

Submission dates:
Abstract: 21 February 2022
Manuscript: 22 April 2022

Further information can be found here.